Interesting marriage license laws in the US

After a hearing, the court may issue a certificate allowing the marriage license to be issued, and the marriage performed without delay. Effective October 1, 2001, a marriage license issued in any county in the state may be used at any place within the state within sixty (60) days of the date of issuance.

Time Limitations – The marriage must be performed within sixty (60) days after the license is issued. Where to obtain a license – A license for marriage in Virginia is issued by the clerk or his/her deputy clerk of a circuit court in any county or city in the Commonwealth of Virginia. To prove such a marriage valid or legal in the eyes of law, there has to be a certificate, which is issued by the marriage registration office after going through the pictures and the statements of the witness present at the time of the marriage, other than the priest.

The persons intending to register their marriage under this Act have to give notice thereof in writing in specified forms to the concerned marriage officer, in whose jurisdiction at least one of the parties to the marriage has resided for a period of not less than 30 days immediately preceding the date on which notice is given. SB 1705 amends Section 2.009 of the Texas Family Code, so that a county clerk may not issue a license if either applicant is under 18 years of age and has not presented a court order granted by this state under TFC Chapter 31 removing the disabilities of minority of the applicant for general purpose; or, if the applicant is a nonresident minor, a certified copy of an order removing the disabilities of minority of the applicant for general purposes filed with this state under TFC 31.007. A license must be certified and filed with the Clerk’s office within 10 days of the ceremony.

(2) Any marriage which may be had and solemnized among the people called Quakers” or Friends”, in the manner and form used or practiced in their societies, according to their rites and ceremonies, shall be good and valid in law; and whenever the words minister” and elder” are used in this chapter, they shall be held to include all the persons connected with the Society of Friends, or Quakers, who perform or have charge of the marriage ceremony according to their rites and ceremonies. However, under some unusual circumstances, and at the discretion of the marriage license supervisor, an application may be filled out by one of the parties (leaving no blanks), with the understanding that the absent party will provide sworn certification subsequently in order for the licensing procedure to be properly validated. (The Clerk’s Office does not receive any part of this fee.) Please refer to Fees & Charges under the Quick Links box on our Home page for the cost of a marriage license.

Certified copies of the marriage certificate and application are $10 each in addition to the application fee. If you are eligible to apply for your marriage license in Fulton County you may apply at any one of the three Probate Court locations between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. If neither applicant is a resident of Georgia you must apply for the marriage license in the county where the ceremony is to be held.  For more information, be sure to visit

A Justice of the Peace is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We can provide customers with a marriage license, a Justice of the Peace, and a certified copy of your marriage certificate before leaving City Hall. The Clerk of the Circuit Court acts as an agent for the State of Florida for issuing licenses per Florida Statute 741 The Marriage License Department is here to answer your questions concerning obtaining a marriage license in Hillsborough County. Based on court cases resulting in conflicting judgments, applicants are advised that persons who have been ordained over the Internet may or may not be persons permitted to perform marriages in Pennsylvania.

Both parties must appear in person to complete and sign the Marriage or Civil Union License application. The cost for the certificate is $10.00.There is no fee for the marriage ceremony. Religious celebrants and judges other than those of the DC Courts must be authorized by the Court and registered by the Marriage Bureau in order to perform in legal document translation  the District of the full name of the intended celebrant must be given at the time of the application.

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