Modern Dentistry: Composite Fillings for Strong, Beautiful Teeth

Dental fillings are a common restorative procedure that can repair a damaged or diseased tooth structure. There are several filling materials available in the market that are used to restore a tooth to its original form and function.

Composite fillings offered by San Jose dentist are one of the most trending dental procedures since they are aesthetically superior and long-lasting. Let us explore more about these aesthetic fillings.

What are composite fillings?

Composite fillings are tooth-colored or white fillings, which are used to repair teeth that have been damaged by decay, chips, fractures, or wear. They are made up of a composite resin material that closely matches the natural color of your teeth. Composites offer a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional amalgam or silver fillings. 

Composite fillings are used to treat a variety of dental problems, like:
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Diastema (space in between your teeth)
  • Dental decay in the visible areas of your mouth
  • Teeth that are worn out due to attrition, or bruxism

What are the benefits of composite fillings?

Composite resin fillings are gaining immense popularity in the field of cosmetic dentistry due to the following advantages:

What is the procedure involved in composite fillings?

Here is a detailed description of the procedure involved in composite restorations:

Tooth preparation

  1. The dentist may numb your tooth if the damage is extensive exposing your pulp or if your tooth is over-sensitive.
  2. The decayed tissues will be removed and the tooth will be cleaned to prepare it to receive the filling.

Material placement

  1. The composite resin material will be placed in layers to the prepared tooth and shaped according to the natural contours of the tooth.


  1. A special light will be used to harden each layer of the material. 
  2. This helps in the bonding process to ensure proper adhesion and fit.


  1. Once the filling has hardened, your dentist will trim, shape, and polish it to ensure a natural-looking result. 

Wrapping up 

Composite fillings offer a versatile and aesthetically appealing solution for repairing and restoring teeth affected by decay or damage. If you have cavities or other dental concerns, consult your dentist to determine if composites are the right option for you. 

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