Why Do Mosques Have Carpets On Their Flooring?

Even if the mosque carpets seem to be a visual product, cleanliness, hygiene, comfort, carpet pattern and colour are important, too. The place welcomes every Muslim to worship so it needs to be completely hygienic. And from where the hygiene starts? Obviously from the mosque’s floor. So, the carpets used in mosques should reflect serenity and peace while keeping a hygienic environment for everyone.

Factors To Consider While Buying Mosque Carpets

  1. Color Selection In Mosque Carpets

When it comes to choosing the mosque carpet, attention should be paid to several factors. After deciding on the carpet model, you need to focus on mosque carpet types, patterns, and colors. Do remember, the wrong choice can make the mosque gloomy and dark. So, you have to choose the one that suits well with the interior decoration of the mosque. Light-colored carpets are preferred if the mosque interior is not spacious. It will create a brighter atmosphere and evoke a spacious feeling. But light-colored carpets are more prone to get dirt immediately which is why a majority of people do not prefer them buying. It is usually preferred for small mosques that are not crowded with people.

  1. Well-Known Models Of Mosque Carpets

Every mosque carpet is distinct from each other not only in color, but also in pattern, shape, quality, and model. The two well-known models of Mosque carpets are round-patterned mosque carpets and Lined mosque carpets. The latter helps the people to determine where they should need to stand during praying as strips are present on the carpet. To not overcrowd the mosque, alignment is necessary.  Having lined carpets in mosque’s floor can help people to organize neatly to welcome more people.

Round-patterned carpets, on the other hand, are named after a wide range of colours and patterns they have. With unique decorative features, these carpets are more suitable for large-scale mosques to make them look even more peaceful and sumptuous. But these are expensive as compare to lined mosque carpets.

  1. Carpet Prices

Prices of Mosque carpets vary depending upon their quality that is determined by the carpet’s durability against washing, lifetime, and thickness. All of these factors are responsible to affect prices. Another factor that can affect the pricing is the carpet model. Round-patterned mosque carpets, solid mosque carpets, and Lined mosque carpets all are different in pattern and colour which is why subject to different pricing policies. Lined mosque carpets are budget-friendly as compare to other types. But, always make yourself generous when it comes to mosque carpeting as it is the only place of Muslim gathering to pray!

Hence, Mosque’s carpet is considered the most important object to aestheticize prayer. It symbolizes piety, devotion, and submission to Allah. It offers a clean and hygienic space on the floor where you can pray with concentration and focus. Have you got it why do mosques have carpets on their flooring?  Yes, you must have understood their importance according to religious as well as practical aspects.

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