How to lose belly fat, foods to avoid and exercises to do

Belly fat translates into an increase in waist circumference, which beyond certain values represents an independent risk factor for many diseases. So having a belly does not only affect the way we dress, but also how long in our life we will be healthy people. So if you want to know how to lose belly fat, here we will inform you a few basic steps.
Many studies have been done on abdominal fat to understand how it affects people’s health. Precise data have been established from many statistical studies that can make the difference between well-being and increased risk for cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, type-2 diabetes and hypertension. Based on data provided by the World Health Organization, the cut-off values are 80 cm for women and 94 cm for men. Stress, incorrect eating habits and prolonged physical inactivity lead to weight gain in general but then specifically, the health risk for each of us is extremely subjective.
What foods to avoid?
It is almost natural to think that to prevent body fat from increasing you need to eliminate fat from your diet. This is a somewhat outdated view of dietetics. Undoubtedly, fats must be limited, especially saturated ones and trans-fats, which we find above all in industrially processed foods, cured meats, snacks, snacks and ready meals. But the number one enemy is actually sugar. Many in fact ignore the fact that excess sugars are transformed into fat in our body. Sugar is the main energy resource we have, but it is stored minimally in the form of hepatic glycogen. When these reserves are full, the sugar that is introduced with the diet is transformed and stored in the form of lipids (fat).
Improve your nutrition
Increase fiber, so that food passes more slowly in the digestive system, helps you feel full and eat less, promoting weight loss. Foods rich in fiber are vegetables and fruit as they are legumes and cereals in their integral version. Eliminate trans-fats. They are more linked to insulin resistance and abdominal fat gain. Trans-fats are mainly present in industrially processed foods such as ready meals and snacks, try to avoid them. Limit alcohol consumption. It increases the risk of accumulating excess fat around the waist. As already mentioned, an excess of sugar from the diet is then stored in our body in the form of fat. Sweets, sugary drinks, fruit juices, breads and pastas in non-whole meal versions should be drastically reduced or eliminated.
Always remember that –
There are no miracle diets that make you lose a lot of weight in a short time. If you want to develop the body you still need to have adequate nutrition. If you have too much abdominal fat, you must first eliminate it, and then you move on to the actual muscle growth phase. Try to avoid sugar and packaged foods, alcohol and smoking. By avoiding sugars and junk food, you should see immediate results, especially if your diet focuses on them. Drink plenty of water which is essential for your muscles. Rest and sleep without disturbance for at least 8 hours. The most important phase is always that of recovery. Don’t overdo it and ask an expert for advice if you’ve never exercised before.
Manage your stress
A good night’s sleep, breathing exercises and meditation sessions could make a big difference in your life when it comes to managing the stress you face every day, don’t underestimate this aspect. The first step is to check what you eat in relation to what you consume and the lifestyle you lead. Improving in one area brings you closer to the goal, but that’s not enough. You probably need more scientific information to understand how you can help with your workout.