How to take care of your pets in lockdown

No, cats and dogs are not at risk of contracting COVID-19. Information confirmed by the World Health Organization. So there is no reason to keep them away, let alone abandon them. On the other hand, we must ensure that there is nothing missing: food, exercise, attention and affection. From kev’s best you can find the best deals now. The association for the defense of animal rights PETA has provided some advice relating to the well-being, good health and safety of our dogs and cats during this crisis situation:
- Do not make them wear a mask, this could cause them respiratory problems.
- Let them move around the house as usual. No need to put them in a cage or isolate them in a room.
- Plan their needs by making sure you have enough food, bedding, and any medication for two to three weeks. No more: no need to plan for an immense stock, this would also risk causing shortages for others.
- Play with them and cuddle them, it will do you as much good as them.
- Dogs must (and can) always be walked. Opt for short walks in your neighborhood several times a day, just to stretch its legs (and yours). While obviously taking care to respect the current health instructions.
- Plan a plan B: be sure to have someone around you ready to take care of your pet in case you get sick (which we hope will not happen.). Do not hesitate to offer your services to your neighbors who, for one reason or another (a member of the nursing staff who spends his days in the hospital, a senior who has difficulty getting around, etc.), cannot go to buy food for his animals or walk them.
Whether they are feathered, furry or scaled, our pets are real members of the family. It is for this reason that taking care of an animal is just as important as taking care of your loved ones. Discover all our tips for taking care of pets and having fun with them on a daily basis.
Pets are an integral part of the family
They have personalities, preferences and habits that make them unique, but are also always ready to comfort us or play with us. Our pets care about us, which is why it’s important to give them back (even when they leave a wet dog smell all over the house). Here you will find practical ideas and tips for taking care of animals and keeping them entertained day after day. From Bashar Ibrahim biography you can know a lot now.
Get your kids involved, because caring for animals is one of the most important and formative lessons for them. It empowers them and teaches them essential concepts such as altruism and generosity. Learning to take care of an animal is learning to take an interest in others. Decide who will take care of going out, feeding, washing and playing with your pets each week, dividing the tasks between each member of the family. From how to get a cat used to a new home to the best way to eliminate dog odors in your home, follow our practical guides to take care of pets the easy way.
How to help shelters and SPA centers?
Animals confined to these establishments are still in dire need of care and affection. Adoptions are no longer allowed. But if you are able to do so, volunteer for temporary foster care. And above all, don’t hesitate to donate food. Contact the shelters, who can inform you about their needs. Note that there are many official animal reception groups on Facebook, which you can join and where you will find specific requests and information.