Matthew Davies Stockton Shares How to Write Blog Posts Faster

 Matthew Davies Stockton Shares How to Write Blog Posts Faster


You have a million or at least tens of ideas you want to publish every week. According to Matthew Davies Stockton, a significant fraction of writers are unable to translate their ideas into a blog due to slow speed. A single blog post takes hours and that excludes the time for chores and other activities. Here’s how you can change that and write blog posts faster:

The Suggestions

  1. Isolate research from your writing – Research is probably the most enjoyable part of writing any blog post. You read tons of articles and blog posts and suddenly discover that you have the appetite to absorb massive amounts of knowledge about a topic that you weren’t familiar with a few hours ago. However, that may also lead to hours of research without anything typed on the document. 

The simple way to fix this is to time yourself and do all the research you need to curate all the information into concise points. After you have all the relevant information, close your browser, and even disconnect from the internet. Write without a break. Even if you need to check up on something while writing, make a note to address and edit that later and keep writing till you finish your blog post. 

  1. Editing can wait, writing takes priority – You may be a perfectionist and find yourself stopping after each sentence to look back and edit your writing. However, that’s not the way professional writers’ function. Just write your messy first draft and let the errors pop up. Don’t stop writing until you finish up your first draft. After you are done writing, you have all the time to polish, refine, and edit your article to perfection.
  2. Make an outline – It’s important to break up your blog posts into different sections so that it’s easier for the reader to transition from one section to another and easier for you to do the same. Break up your blog post into the basic sections of introduction, body, and conclusion. 

You can stretch out the body into several sections depending on the length of your blog post. To help out yourself, you can also write down one word or theme for every section. The same holds true for listicles. Expand on those themes when you write the post to get out of the trap of redoing the whole thing when you realize you have written something that isn’t engaging the readers.   

  1. Write down the conclusion when you get stuck – The first line really counts since it has to pull the reader to read the second line and continue with the post. No wonder a lot of authors get stuck here. If you find yourself in a similar situation leave the introduction for last and finish the conclusion to build the narrative of your post.


Matthew Davies Stockton suggests that you follow the above-mentioned tips to increase the speed at which you write your blog posts. They help you to avoid redoing your article and enable you to make the most efficient use of your time.


Paul Petersen