Mobile Work on the Rise

Mobile work is a technique of working that is not tied to a physical site. It is dependent on technology to link the employee to the networks and services needed to perform their work efficiently and effectively. Due to the spread of the Coronavirus, several Washington State’s employers are instructing their employees to telecommunicate to reduce the spread of the virus, and soon the policy will reach Silicon Valley and far much beyond. IT companies offer assistance in helping businesses set up their employees to work remotely from home.
IT companies who offer mobile work
Microsoft Corp has instructed its workers in the Puget Sound area in Washington and the San Francisco Bay Area to do mobile work until the 25th of March. Two workers in Washington have been confirmed positive for the Coronavirus.
Facebook Inc. informed Market Watch that it had instructed several workers in Seattle to do the mobile working “in case they have a sensitive health condition.” This includes everyone who is immunocompromised or lives with a person who; is pregnant, has ever been in contact with a COVID-19 victim, has children from school due to closure of schools that does not have day-care coverage.
Apple Inc. told its workers to work from their houses if possible. The Google Company also encouraged its employees from North America to work from home. It had earlier recommended that if possible, the workers at the offices in Seattle and San Francisco to work from home. A number of the organizations 119,000 work in Canada, the U.S, and Mexico.
Intel Corp has also encouraged its workers to work from home.
The senior human resource manager, Jennifer Christie, tweeted that the organization strongly advised its 4800 workers globally to work from home if possible.
HP Inc. also gave a similar option to its 55000 employees worldwide who can be able to opt for work from home.
Mobile work has been encouraged by the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, and it is one of the rules that around half forty-six percent of businesses are implementing due to the COVID-19 epidemic, according to the employer’s survey by Willis Towers Watson, an advisory company and insurance brokerage.