Myths about Drinking Water and the Benefits of Berkey Water Filter Review

 Myths about Drinking Water and the Benefits of Berkey Water Filter Review

We need drinking water to survive. It only takes a few days without water for humans to die. The problem is that not everyone has a correct understanding of drinking water. For instance, some people believe that bottled water is the best choice. The truth is that water filters like the ones at Berkey water filter review would already suffice. They can help clean the water and make it safer for consumption. These are the other myths about drinking water and the truth behind them.  To read an additional Berkey water filter review, check out the official website.

Myth # 1. Tap water is unsafe

Although it’s true in many countries, there are places where it’s safe to drink tap water. There’s no chlorine, lead, and other contaminants. However, people are still made to believe that only bottled water is safe for consumption. If you’re uncertain with tap water in your area, you don’t need to choose bottled water right away. Water filters are effective in cleaning the tap water. It removes contaminants and makes the tap water safe for drinking. Besides, if the tap water in the area is unsafe for drinking, local governments and water suppliers are obliged to disclose that information. It allows people to look for ways to purify their water sources.

Myth # 2. Bottled water is the safest option

Plastic bottled water is deemed to be safe. The drinking water goes through a process before placed in a bottle. However, studies revealed that it’s not always the case. In some countries, bottled water brands were found to have contained significant amounts of nicotine. Other contaminants were present as well. Even the plastic bottle makes the water less safe for consumption. The point is that you shouldn’t feel complacent because you keep drinking bottled water.

Add to that the adverse effects of plastic on the environment. If you don’t recycle the containers, you’re contributing to pollution. Plastic doesn’t decompose for hundreds of years, and if thrown in landfills, they will only make things worse.

Myth # 3. Drinking water that tastes bad is unhealthy

Before you make that conclusion, you need to understand that you probably have a different definition of “bad.” Ask other people if they feel the same way when drinking tap water. If it’s just you, your suspicion is probably wrong. Another reason is that local water suppliers are obliged to disclose information to consumers. You may also raise your concerns if you think that the water supply has a terrible taste. You can even sue if you weren’t warned to avoid drinking tap water.

Myth # 4. Chlorine is dangerous

You might notice that your drinking water tastes like chlorine. It’s bothering, and you start to feel concerned about your health. Chlorine plays a crucial role in cleaning tap water. It treats germs and other contaminants so you won’t drink them. Water suppliers also ensure that chlorine is kept at a low level if possible, to prevent contamination. The concentration varies depending on the season, and how close you are to the water supply station.

Myth # 5. Drinking eight glasses of water is good for weight loss

Scientists remain baffled regarding the origin of this myth. No study proves this idea. You drink water to quench your thirst and allow your organs to keep working. However, it has nothing to do with weight loss. Perhaps, the closest relation is that water somehow helps flush toxins in your body. Your digestive system is more capable of doing its responsibilities without these toxins.

Myth # 6. Drinking more water curbs your appetite

This is another myth related to drinking water and weight loss. Some people think that it’s best to drink plenty of water to prevent them from eating a lot. The truth is that when you keep drinking water even if you don’t have to, your mouth becomes busier. It tells your brain that you need to do something, and it includes food consumption. Worse, you become bloated with excess water. It makes you feel bad about your body. Again, the point is not to avoid drinking water, but to drink it as you need.

Myth # 7. Everyone needs the same amount of water each day

Again, this myth goes back to the idea that one must drink eight glasses of water a day. Our bodies aren’t the same, and we have different needs when it comes to food and water consumption. You have to understand what your body needs and avoid going beyond it. Your body mass and metabolism rate could impact the amount of water you need. Sex is also another factor. Men generally require more water than women. However, pregnant women are expected to drink more.

Myth # 8. Drinking water is as good as sports drinks

Although water is generally acceptable if you exercise, it couldn’t replace sports drinks, especially for athletes. They need the mineral content of those drinks since they exert more energy than usual. However, if you only do regular exercise techniques, replenishing your body with drinking water is enough.

Final thoughts

You must understand the truths about drinking water so you will know when to drink and what to drink. You should also ensure that you have safe drinking water by using water filters. Bottled water could safe, but you need to check the brand. You shouldn’t opt for bottled water all the time, not only for health concerns but also for environmental issues.

You can ask your water suppliers if you’re uncertain about the safety of the tap water in your area. You can also request for documents from the local government providing details about studies conducted by researchers. It should be public information, and you have the right to know if not yet publicly available.

When drinking water, you have to think about health and wellness. Avoid thinking about it in terms of weight loss. You will only feel frustrated and decide not to drink water regularly. Your body needs it, and it’s good for your health.

Paul Watson