The Motivational Role Of A Good Teacher

One of the most important aspects of an instructor’s job is motivating their students. A motivated student has a keen desire to learn, and a willingness to work towards achieving their academic goals. They must want to participate in the learning process. Some students come complete with their own motivation whilst others need to be encouraged and this is where a good teacher or instructor comes in. A student with little or no interest in attending college can be motivated enough by a good teacher to change their mind.
What motivates students?
A positive educational environment, plenty of praise, enthusiasm, positive feedback, and rewards are some of the ways an instructor or teacher can kindle motivation in their students. Offering praise for positive efforts encourages learning and lets the student know they’re on the right track. It also makes them more willing to continue doing a good job.
Providing rewards for good classroom behavior, correct answers, good assignments, or doing well in tests is another common way teachers and instructors motivate students. For example, putting a gold star on an A exam paper or assignment is a common reward. As is issuing ‘good behaviour’ certificates and similar initiatives.
Giving positive feedback also works well to motivate students. Examples of this include sending letters home to parents commenting how well their child is doing in school, how well behaved they are and so on. Positive feedback can also be used to help students identify and work on areas they need to improve in. When this feedback is done in a positive rather than a negative way, it stands a greater chance of being heeded.
Students also take their lead from their instructors. A teacher who is not motivated to teach won’t inspire motivation in their students. On the other hand, an enthusiastic teacher can greatly increase student motivation. When the teacher is excited about teaching a particular subject, that enthusiasm gets passed on to their students.
Motivating and inspiring adult students isn’t much different. Even though they’re adults, they still appreciate positive feedback. Whilst they may not need a gold star or a piece of candy from the candy jar as a reward for doing a good assignment, or passing a test, a word or two of praise in recognition of the achievement nevertheless helps keep them motivated enough to stay with the course. Obviously, the attitude of the instructor and their own passion for the topic they’re teaching also plays a vital role in how motivated their students are. Even mature age students who are taking the class of their own free will, can become distinctly unmotivated to do well.
Do you have a passion for teaching others and the ability to keep your students motivated and wanting to learn what you have to teach them? Do you want to teach a subject that makes a real difference in the world? If so, why not consider becoming a Fire Service Instructor and teaching fire fighters how to become safer, better fire fighters with your fire service course delivery.