Common Curiosities About Rehab Answered

How does it work if you are admitted to an alcohol rehab? What happens if you have not recovered after admission and what about the costs? We discuss these and more frequently asked questions here.
If I am admitted, will I be locked up?
The term ‘locked up’ is incorrect. Every admission concerns voluntary treatment. We cannot force you and that does not help to tackle addiction problems. If a recording is aimed at withdrawal, withdrawal, we can agree that you only go outside in a group and under supervision for a while. We do that to protect you and help you get through a rough patch. Furthermore, the duration of hospitalization differs per person and per treatment, varying from a number of days to a number of months.
Do I have to stop using it all at once?
The method of withdrawal can differ per substance and amount used. When it comes to drinking alcohol, we ask you to suddenly stop drinking. If you suffer from severe withdrawal symptoms, we can prescribe medication for a short time. With substances other than alcohol, it is wise to gradually reduce the use or to use a substitute for a certain period of time.
What do I have to do in the addiction clinic all day?
The clinics have a day program, in which you participate together and individually with other clients. The program can continue into the evening. There is also time built in to arrange your own affairs. If you cannot participate in the day program, we will discuss an alternative.
When is visiting time?
There are agreements about receiving visitors. This can be deviated from in consultation with the supervision. In the course of the admission, we will also involve your family or other loved ones in the treatment.
How big are the dormitories?
There are no dormitories in the rehab, but you have your own bedroom; there are some bedrooms for 2 persons.
What do I have to bring along?
During the registration you will be told exactly what to bring from home. In general it concerns:
- clothing including sports clothes
- toiletries (without alcohol)
- some pocket money
- health insurance data
Are there strict rules?
As you will understand, there are rules of contact in our clinics. The purpose of this is that everyone knows where they stand and that the contact with each other is pleasant. We also make agreements with you about the treatment. These agreements are related to the purpose for which you were admitted and they are recorded in your personal treatment plan.