Three Ways Leaders Can Motivate Employees at the Workplace

We all have inevitably heard about the phrase,” The more the merrier” at least once in our lifetime this phrase mirrors the essence of teamwork and how through team efforts we can carry out assigned work effectively and easily. When there is an optimal level of synergy and coordination seemingly unachievable targets and goals can be achieved.
But what if the work at hand is simple but team efforts and coordination is lacking. It can be simply disastrous to the reputation of the firm as well as the bond between an employer and the employee. Here are three ways in which leaders can motivate employees in the workplace.
Clarify Roles:
In a given scenario if there is a lack of clarity of roles and responsibility, the given work simply gets passed down from one person to another simply because nobody is sure about who should do what? This in turn gives rise to resentment and conflict in the workplace. Which makes working more complicated and affects the overall system of the firm in an adverse manner. To tackle this, the roles and responsibilities should simply be clarified before the commencement of any task. This clarity can prevent disagreement, confusion, or conflicts of any kind hence enhancing a team’s efficiency. An executive by the name of Eric Schaer has experienced better work quality from him and his teams when there is clarity in terms of roles and responsibilities. Eric Schaer has over 20 years of experience in the areas of international finance and private investment.
Effective Communication:
Once there is clarity about the roles assigned to everyone and the goals which have to be accomplished collectively. There must be effective communication between the teammates to bring the vision to reality. It does not matter how brilliant one is at an individual level. If there is a lack of communication amongst the team, everything can fall apart in no time. Hence, communication is the heart of excellent teamwork. No efforts should be spared to create a network of communication between the employee. When there are proper channels of communication there are far lesser chances of misunderstandings, wastage of time, and resources.
Reward and Encourage:
It is said, “A recognized employee is a happy employee.” and happy employees are more productive at work. On successful completion of a task or goal, the team as a whole should be praised and recognized. This involves ensuring that the team which put in the hard work is rewarded and appreciated. It can be done by sending tea,-wide emails recognizing individuals/teams, in-person recognition, and appreciation, promotion, awarding a bonus, paid leaves and more. “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” said Maya Angelou. This will set an example of what teamwork looks like and what type of teamwork is recognized and appreciated. It will further promote teamwork in pursuit of the same goals and yield excellent results.