Get Ready For Winter To Avoid Mold

Cold and dry weather can make the humidity indoors go unnoticed, causing significant damage. Clothes and environments can be severely damaged during this period, as well as your health: dirt, grease, mildew, mites, and the famous “stored smell” of clothes are potentiators of known diseases favorable to the period, such as the flu, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma, among others.
If your house hasn’t been adequately waterproof, or if you need some tips to fight the fungus that has already settled in your belongings, we’ll help you get rid of these nasty minor bugs through a thorough cleaning!
The first and most important recommendation is to open the windows and let the house ventilate, no matter how cold it is for mold abatement. Pay particular attention to air circulation in the kitchen and bathroom, which are the two most humid rooms.
- Wash Coats And Knits
Many people have the habit of storing the warmest coats in the back of the wardrobe during the winter. But when the season finally arrives, it’s no use just leaving them in the sun, and they have to be washed.
“To get rid of mold and the unpleasant smell, it is essential to wash coats and knitwear that have not been used in the wardrobe for a long time, and it is not enough just to lay it out on the clothesline to sunbathe. This will help (a lot) to eliminate mold and bad smells from the clothes. It always remembers to separate the delicate pieces from the heavier ones and the colored ones from the white ones. Some parts cannot be machine washed, says a specialist, not to spoil depending on the finish, some parts cannot be machine washed”, says a specialist.
- Wash Exposed Fabrics In The House
In addition to the items in the back of the closet, it is also necessary to take care of the fabrics that are always on display indoors. Moisture can attract mold and damage them as much as it does clothes. Don’t forget to choose an excellent product to get rid of stains and dirt! In this regard, Aline is emphatic: “Curtains and rugs also need to be washed at least every six months, and bed linen should be changed at least once a week to avoid accumulating mold and dirt.”
Of course, the humidity had to be linked to the unwanted and inevitable dust that accumulates on floors, furniture, and accessories that are not taken care of frequently. Please put it in a spray bottle and get down to business! To fix this situation, use wet wipes for crumbs on tables and smaller surfaces; for more prominent places, choose an appropriate product or make a homemade mixture with a measure of softener for four steps of water.
- Dry Bathroom
Also, according to a specialist, the bathroom is a danger zone when it comes to fungi: hot and humid, it is the perfect environment for the proliferation of mold. After you finish showering, open the windows so the water can evaporate! “This requires special care in combating mold, so after cleaning with the appropriate products, dry carefully with a dry cloth, eliminating all types of moisture.”
Be careful with the construction of the bathroom wall glued to the bedroom wall; the humidity caused by the water vapor produced in the bathroom can cause the side of the bedroom wall to be damaged and damage the furniture. In this case, the indication is to waterproof one of the two sides of the border (the bedroom or the bathroom).