History Of Silicon Sex Dolls

 History Of Silicon Sex Dolls

Even before the first-ever piper doll was invented, it can be said that there was a desire for men to have someone who would be able to give them sexual pleasures but is just a perfect replica of women. Men are ready to get the sexdoll accessories to make their dolls look perfect and beautiful. However, are you aware of the history of these dolls? The history of these dolls and the sex doll accessories goes back to the 15th century. A timeline of these dolls with sexy butt and a vagina with an elongated hole has been provided in this article.

15th century

15th The first sex doll Dame De Voyage was invented in the 15th century. The name “Dame De Voyage” is a French name, but it also has various other names like “Dama De Vinje” in the Spanish language, apart from the Spanish and French name, it also had a German name which was “Seemannsbraut.”  These piper doll were made up of clothes that were seen together to give it the form of a doll. It was especially used by sailors who had to go on long voyages and would be very lonely. They used these dolls to keep their sanity.  Sex with these dolls we’re the only option available.


The next sex doll that came into the market in 1941 was invented by the Nazi. It was seen that the Nazi army was losing quite a number of good and brave soldiers to STDs. They had to sleep these soldiers so that day I have good military strength. To ensure that the soldiers are able to get as much entertainment as the sea and are also see if they introduced the first concert of sex doll and name the project The Borghild Field-Hygiene Project. The breasts of these dolls were round and fleshy and they had a hip that was easy to grip.


The first-ever realistic doll was created in the year 1996. A 29-year-old Matt McMullen started making a living out of the creation of sex will which had realistic features. She was named Leah and was a perfect Qitadoll. Both by looks and features, she represented the features of a real woman.  McMullen was able to come up with an amazing doll. They are made up of amazing material which gives it a soft and fleshy feel. They were initially priced at $6500; however, the prices can go as high as $10,000.


The year 2005 saw the emergence of Japanese Dutch wives. Many people tend to think that the term ‘Dutch Wives’ might represent the wives of the Dutch people, but in reality, it is a Japanese word for superior quality sex dolls. This became a huge hit with the men across the globe. 2005 brought success for Forest Dolls who were able to open up almost 40 stores all across the nation just with the help of their Dutch Dolls. These dolls were first rented out to the men at 13,000 yen for an hour.


2007 saw the ability of advanced technologies to make the doll much better. These dolls now came with a voice modular that could make out sexy voices while they are being fucked.  They were able to moan. These dolls had an mp3 player fitted in them. A 4AAA battery allows the Qitadoll to react to the built-in pressure sensor.  They are customizable and can come with pubic hair or a shaved vagina, as you like it. The voice was the biggest change that rocked the world of sex dolls and increased its demand in the market. It helped in enhancing the feel when one was having sex with the doll.


The year 2009 saw that the piper doll was not only meant for the men but also for the women. It is known that the use of a sex doll is to give utmost pleasure to one but why should men have all the fun? There are plenty of women who are unable to enjoy the touch of a man because they are single or unmarried, widow or divorced. However, they too crave for physical touch and feel. This has made the sex doll companies come up with the first-ever male sex doll in the year 2009.


This year saw the birth of a sex doll that could respond to any kind of stimulation. This customized Qitadoll is very much preferred by the owners as they are able to get what they want the most. They are able to interact with the doll and treat them just like they would have treated their women partners. It can be said that these dolls are a perfect representation of real-life women. A man is able to live his life according to his wishes and overcome his loneliness with these customizable dolls.

Ruth Hill