The Hungarian Moustache

Mustaches have been around for a long time, and some of them have a history behind it. They also have a feeling of proudness and considered a sign of virility and manliness in many countries. In fact, in many cultures in India, men are not allowed to shave off their mustaches. They can grow, trim or style, but not remove it. Of course, that is not the scenario today. The whole point was mustache has been in society for a long time.
Hence, mustaches have been there for as long as human civilization probably. Some of them were supposed to prove the manly and rugged nature of men, and some others had a history behind it. The Hungarian mustache is one of them. It is also named as Magyar, on the name of the founding natives of Hungary. That surely explains the name.
If you like to wear a mustache that brings the tough, rugged, and virile side of you, we recommend you the Hungarian mustache. Here is everything you need to know about the Hungarian mustache.
What is Hungarian Handlebar mustache?
Hungarian handlebar mustache, or regularly called the Hungarian mustache, was made famous by Kaiser Wilhelm. It is a full volume handlebar mustache variation but with a rich historical event connected to it. It is known to be a sign of military manliness. The mustache growth is around 0.6 inches, which comes out to be 1.5 cm beyond the lip. You can style it, but the mustache requires natural growth and brushed into shape.
How to grow a Hungarian handlebar mustache?
Growing a mustache or a beard is a task many people couldn’t accomplish. You might be thinking that growing a beard is not much of a task, or for that matter, even the mustache. But in both cases, you require immense patience and dedication to grow a long and good beard or mustache. The steps for growing a Hungarian mustache is more or less the same thing.
- Patience
We have always said that the first thing to grow a glorious beard or mustache is patience. Give your stache some time to grow so that it can reach the sophistication level you desire. Keep your scissors, razor, or trimmer away for a few months, so the danger of getting the side of your mustache cut is reduced. It is going to take 4-6 months to get through the face of growing a Hungarian mustache.
- Train your mustache
Keep a mustache comb with you all the time when you travel. Keep brushing the mustache whenever you get time in the direction you want it to grow. There are two benefits of it. First, once you start combing your mustache, it knows which direction to grow in and starts growing naturally.
- Extra hairs called Fangs
Since you will be growing the beard for a long time, you will see a lot of excess hair hanging downwards in the process. This hair will either get wet or trouble you during dinner or normally when you are eating something, and many other things. Don’t trim these fangs. You will be tempted to do so, but control the temptation. That’s because, the center of the hair of the mustache adds girth and volume to your handlebar mustache.
How to trim your Hungarian mustache?
Trimming the Hungarian mustache is very easy. All you have to do is trim off the extra fangs, hairs below the nose, and other excess hair on your mustache. Use a good set of scissors to remove the fangs and make it clean. Trim the ends well with your trimmer, so only the ends remain and look clean. Use the Gillette Fusion Pro-Glide Styler for even and close trim. The precision trimmer helps in cutting the edges well and giving you crisp lines wherever needed.
Final words
The Hungarian mustache is very close to the handlebar mustache with the difference in the volume of the stache. You have to give some more time to your handlebar to achieve the Hungarian mustache style. If you can nail and pull this one-off, you can rest assured that you could do it with any other mustache or beard shaving style.
Know more about beard shaving & Manscaping tips such as face shaving tips & how to shave pubic hair at Gillette.