Watch Out: How To Tell If The Designer Bags Are Fake?

As online shopping becomes more common, so are the claims about purchasing fake products online. Even though buying counterfeits is nothing new, you should still be wary about them since they could be your next purchase. These circumstances are particularly true for luxury products.
And when people talk about the term luxury, they cannot help to think about designer bags such as Louis Vuitton and the likes. They are designer bags that most women and men are looking for online, hoping they could get the best one for themselves or their significant other.
The problem, however, as mentioned above, counterfeits are so common. If you are always reading and watching the news, then you know that more than 13,000 designer bags got seized in Los Angeles.
As a buyer, it is only natural that you would not want that to happen when you purchase your designer bags using your spare cash from the holidays. To guarantee you will not get deceived by buying replicas, imitations, class-A, fake products (or however you wish to call it), we listed some points that can help you tell if the designer bags are fake or not.
Inspect The Quality Of The Designer Bags In Details
● See Any Loose Threads
Even though the counterfeit products look exactly the same as the designer bags, they are dead giveaways like loose threads. Know that quality is the primary reason why designer bags are well sought after by many.
Also, before any womens crossbody bags went out to the market, the inspector of that brand would not let a detail, even the smallest one like this slip, through their eyes. They will make sure that the designer bags have quality and even threads.
● Check The Materials & Lining
Besides the stitches, you also have to check the materials and lining of the designer bags since that is the area where counterfeiters get lazy with their imitations. That is why most of the time, counterfeit products are easy to spot due to their light and flimsy materials and lining, which result in them slouching like the ones in the image below.
● Mind The Pockets
Another area where designer bags counterfeiters get lazy is the pockets. If the picture they got to make their imitation does not show every angle and part from the interior to the exterior, chances are they will miss making a few pockets here and there. That is why before you check out any designer bags, check if they have the accurate number of pockets in the correct placement.
● Examine The Functionality Of The Zippers
After the pockets, you should also check the functionality of the designer bags, and that is the zippers. If the zippers do not zip smoothly, feel light, and bend easily, there is a high chance they are fake.
To guarantee that, look closely at the zippers and see if its underside has any logo. If you cannot find anything, then it means that they are counterfeit designer bags.
Appraise The Details Of The Designer Bags
● Look For Tags, Labels, And Serial Numbers
Even if your plans are only to get a clutch bag, luxury brands always ensure their products have tags, labels and serial numbers. More than that, newer designer bags these days have a microchip embedded, and only the brand’s actual store can scan them to receive information like the manufacturer date and place.
So if you happen to purchase any designer bags from other places like the flea market and want to know if they are the real deal, you can ask the brand’s shop to scan them for authentication.
● Make Sure The Finishing And Colours Are Consistent
Other details you need to appraise are the finishing and colours. You have to know that most counterfeit products have light shades and do not have a smooth finish.
Another indication you should keep in mind is that the hardware of real designer bags gets cold or hot to touch. So if the ones you have right now do not show any of this, the materials are plastic and fake.
● Compare The Designer Bags On The Brand’s Website
Another way to appraise designer bags is to compare the one you have on hand with the designer bags on the brand’s website. Doing so will help you see any difference in colour or design, and if there are any discrepancies, they could be counterfeit.
Be Smart When Shopping ForDesigner Bags
● Go To The Brand’s Actual Store
To prevent becoming a victim of counterfeit products, consider going to the brand’s actual store. You should know that all designer bags on display went through a quality check. That means any defect or item did not mean the golden standard went to the manufacturer for correction repair.
● Be Realistic About The Price
Of course, since there are no cheap designer bags. Therefore, when you have seen something too good to be true, they are just imitations. You should know that designer bags of any brand can cause thousands of dollars and anything less.
● Read Customer Reviews
If you are purchasing designer bags online, make it a habit to read customer reviews. You should know that customer reviews are feedback from previous customers who bought the item. With their feedback, you can grasp what can you expect once you purchase this or that product.
Finding Authentic Designer Bags
When looking for authentic designer bags, make sure to remember the areas you need to double-check to spot a counterfeit. One of the best ways to do this is to study the designer bags from your favourite luxury brand.
By learning about what they include in their designer bags, down to the tiniest details, you can get the real deal at all times. Therefore, take these factors into account to make your shopping for designer bags a lot easier and safer.
Start your search for designer bags by going to Louis Vuitton’s actual and authentic website. There you can get any women luxury products from crossbody to tote bags!