What are the different aspects of an Online teacher training course

The National education policy 2021 is formulated to make all types of Education accessible and affordable. In this context, the government decided to come up with an online teacher training course, which aims at creating awareness among teachers about the importance of this subject in elementary education. This course on teacher training aims to educate and make the participants capable enough to understand and implement the National education policy 2021.
For the past few weeks, everyone is busy discussing the National Education policy 2021. Since 2001, several changes have been proposed and implemented while some education laws have also been repealed. National policy plays a vital role in building a strong nation, as it helps in unifying the goals and priorities of every individual who belongs to a specific country. To ensure that a solid educational system is imparted to children all over the country, it is necessary to pass strict rules and regulations through national-level policies. We are here to help you become a successful online teacher, through our online training course, based on the national education policies and guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education of Cambodia.
The teacher community offers a blended science course that is unique to YouTube as an overview of chemistry, physics, and biology as defined by the MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource Development). It was created for teacher training in India with a focus on the National education policy. The online teacher training course at Study.com follows a holistic approach to education, providing you with courses that cover all the aspects of teaching, including elementary education, secondary education, and curriculum development. Since teachers play an important role in shaping the minds of the nation’s youth, they need to have up-to-date knowledge and strategies for effective teaching. The online teacher training course offered by Study.com provides comprehensive courses that enable professional educators to keep pace with national education policies, and adeptly deal with classroom management and effective communication skills.
This training course offers a series of 10 classes in an online environment. The internet has become a great resource for those who aspire to be teachers. They can now watch and learn even when they are on the move. Typically, school administrators want to hire teachers with ample experience that is why most online training courses offer modules that serve as certificates that can immediately be presented to hiring officials. HOW TO TEACH: An Online Course for PreK-12 Teachers provides comprehensive coverage of all core areas in the teaching profession and is particularly helpful to new teachers and teacher candidates. The course addresses the dynamics of classroom teaching and learning and the impact of key educational policies on classroom instruction. The course had an open and airy tone with plenty of writing space available for observation and evaluation.
The PAEP is an accredited graduate-level program available fully online. The program begins in August and includes 18 required credits of coursework, 8 core teaching practice hours (CPH), 2 optional CPNs, and a culminating experience. The Curriculum Unit on Education Policy and Planning is a comprehensive unit prepared by the e-fusion Learning Solution, which aims at enlightening the teachers about the various aspects of education policy and planning in India. It covers various aspects, like – historical background, current scenario, future trends, national education policy 2021, etc. for providing complete information to the teachers about education policy and planning. This online teacher training course can be completed within 75 hours and is available in two different modes – Instructor-Led Mode and Self-Paced Mode. The complete curriculum unit and its contents can be accessed by students either through audio or video mode. Each unit has certain set credit hours, guidance videos, QTs, and other study materials are available in each chapter that helps students to improve their cognitive approaches effectively.
The National Education Policy 2021 is the government’s strategic plan for the sector, which dictates how it will deliver education. The policy promises compulsory education to all children in the country, recognizing that this will require an increase in teachers by an extra six lakh in primary schools and 10-12 lakh in upper primary schools. It lays down a road map for the recruitment of teachers, making teaching a career of its own and not just a temporary job option. It envisions a system where teachers are evaluated, trained, and placed on the secure tenure track.
All over India, the National education policy 2016 has been implemented. National Education Policy will essentially determine the courses of action and strategies to be adopted by different government bodies. The entire scheme is known as National Education Policy 2021. The primary aim of this scheme is to make an educated society.
National Education Policy 2021 is the new education plan which was launched by the Prime Minister of Pakistan in April 2017; this extended to 19th April. The policy intensified with the criticism, as it was termed as an intense and tough one. The main objective of this national education policy 2021 is to promote a proper and quality environment for the teaching-learning process, particularly in public sector schools. It also seeks to achieve uniformity between public and private sector educational institutions. The National Education Policy of Bangladesh was first published in 2001 and revised duly keeping in view the overall national policy and changes in the global scenario. This Policy was implemented to bring about a 66% literacy rate as well as improvement of quality of education.
An effective online teacher training course provides pedagogic capabilities, enabling an individual to engage students in a learning environment. These courses are easily accessible and can be used by teachers across the world.
The National education policy is also called the RTE act 2009 in India. It states a personal goal for every student, equality of opportunity and social justice. The act specifies that the curriculum must be designed by the NCERT (national council of education research and training) and prepared by an expert body comprising institutions like IITs, IIMs, and educationalists. There are many aspects of an online teacher training course, but generally, there are two types of courses. They usually consist of lectures, for the different topics related to math and education. There are also projects and tests to ensure the students have taken in the information and can apply it.
This course is designed to develop teachers in their roles of empowering others to learn. It’s a professional program and part of our mission is focused on improving the quality of education across the country. Our course is designed as a resource for schools, universities, education providers, and training organizations to assist with their educator development programs, staff training, and career development programs. This course is designed to equip school teachers with the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies in managing a rich, engaging, and balanced learning (textbook-based and activity-based) class.