Make the Best Come From the Sports Betting Deals

The Three in Line system is very easy to understand and in the end has the same value as a combined (multiple on the betting sites) of three games. However, when applied sequentially, it is better understood by beginners in sports betting.
The Bet Deals
Bet € 10 on a team you consider favorite in a particular game of football, basketball, tennis or any other sport. We recommend that you always choose a favorite with an odd between 1.35 and 1.85. If you get it right, bet the entire amount won on another favorite and, if this one also wins, bet on a third and last favorite. If one of the three loses, don’t bet that day! Proceed in the same way only the next day, starting again with 10 €. This is also true if you win all three bets. Whether you win or lose, start the sequence the next day with the same € 10. As a part of the Judi Online betting this is important.
- For example, if the first favorite has a 1.50 odd, you will win 15 euros if that team wins the match. Bet those 15 euros on the second favorite, which has an odd of 1.70, and if he wins he wins 25.50 euros. Finally, bet the 25.50 on a third favorite that has an odd of 1.45, and if you win that last bet you have a balance on that day of 36.97 euros.
The Obvious Choices
Obviously, the odds presented above are just an example, you will choose yours and in what sequence you prefer, but remember to bet only on teams with odds between 1.35 and 1.85. Also, don’t forget the golden rule of the Three in Line system: if you lose one of the three bets, don’t bet again that day! Start the sequence again the next day.
The draw strategy is a favorite of bettors. This is because it does not cause any stress. Statistically, there are no risks of big losses and the best thing is that you only have to place bets and access the site only the next day to check the balance. The bettor does not need to follow the games, which removes all the stress associated with sports betting.
Log into your favorite betting site and check out all the football matches for the next day. Bet € 1 on all draws. The best thing is to only bet on draws that have odds between 3.00 and 5.00, but if you want you can bet on all games, even those where the odd for the draw exceeds 5.00.
The next day, around 11 pm, check the balance. If you made a profit, bet € 2 on the draws for the next day, but if you made a loss, bet € 1 on each one.
And this is the bottom. Whenever you make a profit, increase one euro in bets for the next day, and whenever you lose, decrease one euro by the amount of each bet.
The good thing about this strategy is that it does not cause anxiety or stress at all. You don’t need to follow the games and hope for draws. Simply bet and forget. At the end of the day, you will certainly make a profit or, at worst, a very small loss.