SSC CGL job alert

SSC exams are one of the most desirable exams for Government jobs in India.It holds combined Graduate Level exam every year for the vacancies in non-technical, non-gazetted posts Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ in various departments / Ministries of Indian Government. Thousands of Government jobs vacancies are filled by the authority.
Notification for SSC CGL 2019 vacancy was released on 22nd October 2019, for which the Tier-I examination already took place from 03-03-2020 to 09-03-2020. The tentative Tier-II exam date is scheduled from 02-11-2020 to 05-11-2020 in online mode.
The total SSC CGL 2020 vacancies released by the organisation, 9389 earlier in March 2019 for the 50 posts in various departmentswas revised and updated to 9488 on June 29. 8582 out of these 9488 are for major 34 Group B and C.
The exam is conducted for recruitment to various departments for the services, SSC CGL posts include, Inspectors in Central Excise & Customs, Income Tax, Preventive Officers, Sub-Inspectors in CBI, Assistant in Ministries, Auditor offices, Accountant, Tax Assistant in CBEC CBDT, Assistant Enforcement officer, Examiner in customs, Divisional Accountant, etc. Applicant can have a look on the official notification for more details on SSC CGL posts.
There has been a postponement of some exams in amid of pandemic, the official notification is already published on its official website. Aspirants should start preparing for it immediately as the exam dates may vary this year.
SSC CGL Selection process
The aspirant must go through the eligibility criteria before filling the ssc cgl application form for the job. There are four criteria but three are compulsory for everyone though the last is only applicable for some posts. The criteria are:
- Candidate must be a citizen of India, Bhutan or Nepal
- The applicant upto age 32 years only are eligible.
- A Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University.
- The Physical Fitnesscriteria is only applicable for the candidates applying for posts like Sub-Inspector, Inspector.
There is certain relaxation in Age Limit for reserved category candidates.
SSC has already conducted the exam for Tier-I round from 03 March to 09 March this year and the result is already available on the official website. Only the shortlisted candidates will be allowed to appear for the Tier-II and a separate admit card will be issued for the same.
In Tier-II examination all the candidates need to appear for Paper I & II, however, only a bunch of students will be permitted to take part in Paper III and Paper IV of Tier-II examination. The exam covers concepts related to 10th and 12th grade and varies with each Tier, students are advised to prepare accordingly.
Government jobs are the most sought jobs among the Indian Youth and the government is making constant efforts to provide better facilities to every individual and for this, it plans to release millions of jobs in near future. The exam is not hard, just the right strategy, time management and practice are needed to ace your dream job. Start preparing now and the results would be surely fruitful.