Chlorine Vs. Bromine: Which One Is Good For You?

Having a pool is such a great thing as you can swim anytime you want. You can also enjoy a bright summer by swimming in the pool. Nonetheless, when having a pool, it means that you also have to ready with the maintenance. The maintenance is needed to keep the water clean and sparkling.
You have to maintain the pool regularly to prevent moss appear in the water. The two most popular options for sanitizing pool water are bromine and chlorine. Those are regular sanitizers that mostly used to keep the pool water clean.
Which purifier is good for you? We provide the information below to be included in your consideration.
The procedure
Between chlorine vs. bromine are actually different. They work in different ways to sanitize water in your pool. Chlorine is actually both a sanitizer and oxidizer. When it is added to the water, it quickly kills bacteria and germs by filters. Every other day is the best time to add chlorine into your pool. To learn more about chlorine, check out this guide.
On the other hand, bromine takes longer to activate when it is added into the water as it just acts as a sanitizer. However, it remains active to kill germs and bacteria. It means that you need to add it once a week only.
The application
There are three different ways to apply chlorine; tablets, liquid, and granules. Liquid and granules can be directly applied without any specialized equipment, while a floating dispenser is needed when you are going to apply the tablets particularly to maintain their level in the water.
When it comes to bromine application, you will need a cartridge dispenser or a floating feeder to apply it to the pool water. It makes applying bromine will add the initial cost. Every single bromine application can last up to a week, while chlorine can only last every other day.
Health issue
When it comes to deciding chlorine vs. bromine that suit you best, the cost is not the only factor to consider. If you have an allergy, avoid applying chlorine as it can irritate both eyes and skin. To overcome this, consider adding ion generators with copper as the base or a system with peroxide as the base.
In terms of the smell, bromine doesn’t release the equal strong smell just like chlorine. However, similar stability makes the odor is more difficult to rinse off after swimming.
Transparency of water
As mentioned earlier, chlorine acts both as a sanitizer and an oxidizer. Thus, when it’s working, it removes not only bacteria but also other matters like body oils and germs from the water. It keeps the water clean and sparkling.
On the other hand, as bromine only contains sanitizer, it can only remove bacteria not some organic debris in the water. It makes the water looks cloudier. You will need to add chlorine to keep the water clean, instead.
When choosing between chlorine vs. bromine, you have to consider the things mentioned above. Health issues, ease of use, and water transparency are issues that must be taken into account when it comes to sanitizing your pool water.